Category Devotional

Does God Love Gay People Too?

I’ve been writing and re-writing this article for a couple of months. I start and stop, then put it away, because I haven’t been sure how to address my thoughts in a clear & kind manner. I find myself frustrated over what I’ve seen and read from some of my fellow Christians concerning the gay rights movement and the Supreme Court ruling over same sex marriage.

For those refusing to create wedding cakes and flower arrangements or serve pizza to homosexual couples; to those speaking, less than Christ like, words of discontent over the same sex marriage ruling, I have some thoughts.

First, my question is simply this. Does turning away gay couples from a business or speaking unkind words about them make God proud of us? Even if we say we’re doing it in defense of Him?

For God did not send the ...

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The Difference Maker

The Difference Maker

About 15 years ago a friend said something I’ve thought of many times. She said, “God doesn’t ask us for for perfection, but, He does ask us for excellence.”

As I’ve pondered excellence over the years and, indeed, striven toward it, I find it more and more lacking in our society.

Not to worry… This will not be a rant on societal dysfunction, but, rather, a telling of the goodness of striving for excellence and becoming a difference maker in our individual corners of the world.

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Definition of excellence:

The quality of being outstanding or extremely good.

Solomon was one of the greatest men and wisest people to ever walk the earth. When he was but a boy, he was made King. The following is one of my favorite bible passages:

Solomon’s Prayer for Wisdom

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Doomsday Preparation

Today, September 11, 2014, as we remember 13 years ago and the impact that terrible day has had on our country and lives, I am reflecting on many things.

There are some so very sure we will be attacked again in the near future, if not today. This time, worse than before. A thought that must be pondered and considered.

There is a show on cable television called Doomsday Preppers. These folks are so sure we are going to be living in a time of devastation soon, they are going to very expensive and intensive methods of preparing for what they think is the inevitable.

I was told this morning of a woman working in a nursing home...

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A New Direction

For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this? Esther 4:14

Have you ever thought you were on a path, had a plan and direction, only to discover God had a totally different direction and new plan in mind? I know, silly question.

Direction changes in life are natural. Sometimes they are planned, happy, changes, while other times direction change, not of our own making, can be stressful and make us fearful of the future.

I think I’m more accustom to direction change than most. I’ve moved across the country three times...

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Unwanted and Insignificant

I am unloved, unwanted and insignificant.

How many of us have felt this way at least once in our lives? If we’re honest, each and every one of us.

I hear these sentiments mostly from unmarried men and women of all ages. There’s something about the need to belong to and feel wanted by another person of significance that can either make us or break us. Someone to fall asleep with and wake up to. Someone who knows us inside and out. Someone to share in the ups and downs of life.

Having been single for most of my adult years, I knew these feelings well. Thankfully, they would come and go, but when they came, something needed to be done. With all of the people in my world who cared for me, why should I let the desire for one more, the one, ruin my otherwise peaceful, content world? I knew I cou...

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