The Sweetness of a Hug

After just a few short hours of meeting, talking with and enjoying a meal together, our young dinner companion ended our time with a warm, sweet hug. Those who know me well fully understand the joy that little hug embedded in my heart 

       • There’s just something about a hug…

One of my dearest friends of over 20 years is a self-proclaimed non-hugger. When our friendship began to blossom she would allow me to hug her once in a while. Since hugging for me is as natural as breathing, especially with someone I care deeply about, the sporadic hugs were, and still are, sweet to this girls soul.

       • Hugs, to me, are like affirmations of worth and value. If I care enough to hug you, it truly means I value your presence and time.  

I recently met a woman whose lif...

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The Over Thinker in Me

I woke up this morning thinking of things I wish I had handled differently. I do that sometimes; over think situations, sometimes even things from years gone by.

I apologized to someone the other day for something I had thought about until it made me nearly ill. It was silly really, and nothing most people would give a second thought to. But not this girl. Nope, for some odd reason, I have a brain that likes to think things to death!

When I brought up the subject to the person I felt the need to apologize to, she nearly wet herself laughing. The thing I felt regret over hadn’t even crossed her mind!

So, as I lay there this morning, over thinking things I probably shouldn’t, I was reminded by my Heavenly Counselor that there is always a next right thing.

In other words, rather than th...

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Tragedy Strikes

We listen. We watch. We cry. We pray.

It doesn’t matter why or how, we just know someone with no heart and no conscience has hurt innocent people for no reason at all. Our hearts are broken for such senseless loss.

God, why do things like this happen? I ask, in hope of comfort, even though I know the answer.

God gave us, as well as those who have evil running through their veins, the gift of free will. Free will is simply the freedom to choose. We choose to love, or we choose to hate. It really is that simple.

Yes, we all have the opportunity to choose our path in life. Some, for reasons I will never comprehend, choose the path of destruction.

It’s been one week since the senseless murdering and maiming of so many innocent lives in Boston...

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No Matter What

Why is waiting on God so difficult? We know His plans are far better than ours, so why do we fret so while waiting?

I’ve spoken to several people lately who have just about had it with God and His soon to be released plans. They are just plain tired of waiting!

For some, if they hear Jeremiah 29:11 one more time, they are sure to punch the person who quotes it. I’m far from a fist, so quoting now is safe.

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

He has a plan, but waiting for it can be downright infuriating.

During a woman’s ministry event, we were challenged with a question...

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Happy New…

There’s something invigorating about new. Whether it’s a new job, relationship, car, home, clothes or even a new restaurant in town, there’s just something about new. Even if it’s not actually new, yet new to us, it’s refreshing to have or do something new.

Isn’t it interesting how we get so caught up in a new year? For some odd reason, we think this New Year will somehow alter our lives. Celebrating the New Year is the biggest “do over” ever. How often do we hear, “I’m so glad this year is over, the New Year will be so much better!”?

A fresh start becomes the goal. A new diet or exercise regimen begins on January 1st. What we didn’t accomplish last year, we WILL accomplish in this New Year!

I wonder though, if we had the same attitude each and every day, how our l...

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