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Practicing The Presence Of God

We practice many things in order to get better and better at them. We practice playing an instrument, exercise, cooking, knitting. painting and so much more. Our practice is intentional. We intentionally want to do, and be better at, something important to us.

Of all the things I’d like to be better at, experiencing the peacefulness of the presence of God is at the top of my list.

I’m reminded of my need for more time to experience the presence of God as I sit in our backyard this morning. I’m so thankful to be able to enjoy the beautiful nature God has provided.

As I tell God of my gratitude for all He has done, and continues to do, I sense Him wrapping his arms around me like a warm, soft blanket.

As I thank Him for the simplicity of a song bird singing good morning, a woodpecker  swoop...

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Where Does God Belong?

Where does God belong? Does He only belong in church or the hospital waiting room when we are pleading with Him to save the life of someone we love? Is He just supposed to be available when we have a list of requests only He can fill?

I don’t know about you, but I’m rather tired of being told where God does or does not belong. And, I don’t want to be the kind of Christ follower who only calls on Him when I’m in need.

Many years ago, while working in an office, I started a lunch time bible study with a few co-workers. We were all independent insurance agents, working in the same agency, so our time was our own. What started out as about five of us became most of the office; about twelve in all...

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New website design!


I’m so sorry for the delay in writing anything new. It’s been a few months of working on a new website design, Facebook page, Twitter (ugh) and learning many new things about the writing world. Thank you in advance for your patience and grace!

Why a new website design? So glad you asked! The original design was fine, but some of what I’m learning told me newness was in order. A little cleaner design with other features was the consensus. Please let me know your thoughts on the new design.

I’ll be posting something this week pertaining to Easter, but wanted to post something short now to let you know what’s been going on in my busy schedule. Plus this little letter will help me know for sure if the new website links are working well. That’s where you come in...

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