Monthly Archives March 2014

Unwanted and Insignificant

I am unloved, unwanted and insignificant.

How many of us have felt this way at least once in our lives? If we’re honest, each and every one of us.

I hear these sentiments mostly from unmarried men and women of all ages. There’s something about the need to belong to and feel wanted by another person of significance that can either make us or break us. Someone to fall asleep with and wake up to. Someone who knows us inside and out. Someone to share in the ups and downs of life.

Having been single for most of my adult years, I knew these feelings well. Thankfully, they would come and go, but when they came, something needed to be done. With all of the people in my world who cared for me, why should I let the desire for one more, the one, ruin my otherwise peaceful, content world? I knew I cou...

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