Monthly Archives June 2013

The Over Thinker in Me

I woke up this morning thinking of things I wish I had handled differently. I do that sometimes; over think situations, sometimes even things from years gone by.

I apologized to someone the other day for something I had thought about until it made me nearly ill. It was silly really, and nothing most people would give a second thought to. But not this girl. Nope, for some odd reason, I have a brain that likes to think things to death!

When I brought up the subject to the person I felt the need to apologize to, she nearly wet herself laughing. The thing I felt regret over hadn’t even crossed her mind!

So, as I lay there this morning, over thinking things I probably shouldn’t, I was reminded by my Heavenly Counselor that there is always a next right thing.

In other words, rather than th...

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